There's a risk when blogging about ill health that everything ends up being doom and gloom. I wrote this post three days ago, unsure if I wanted to post it. But in the interest of being honest and so people understand fully what its like, I have decided to post it. However, I do have some brighter posts on the way.
I'm used to fatigue; it's part of having Aplastic Anemia. Its due to low red blood cells that carry oxygen around.
To give a comparison, the normal person has a hemoglobin count of between 123-174 depending on if your male or female, with an average of around 130-140. My current count yesterday was 86. I get a transfusion at anything under 80.
A typical cycle is 2 units (or 2 bags) of red cells. I usually transfuse at around 72. So I get a boost up to 92. Two weeks later, I'm back to the low 70s. The constant rollar coaster is tiring. I know that I will get approximately two to three days of feeling good so I cram everything I can into that time.
I am now on a medication slows the drop of blood so I can squeeze out three to three and a half weeks out before I head back. Interestingly though, the slower drop leaves me more fatigued than below. It doesn't make sense at all. But these days, I struggle to make it through a day without lying down or sleeping. By 3 p.m. I have a big dip in energy and by 6:30 p.m., I want to hit the sack. I have several activities every week, including volunteering, painting and a woman's group. I have to sit during the art classes now and some weeks, I just can't go to my activities.
Like most people who deal with bone marrow conditions or chronic fatigue, I'm frustrated. I want to be up and out but at the same time, I just want to sit down.
But luckily, I have a weapon on my side: food! Its very noticeable how much of a difference just getting something to eat or grabbing a cup of tea can boost my energy levels. It also doesn't matter what the food is, however, my top energy foods are coffee, tea, chocolate, cookies and cheese. Caffeine and sugar and fat! Not what most nutritionists recommend! It may explain my devotion to the Sausage McMuffin and medium coffee from McDonalds after I've done the school run.
I won't give up tea but I am trying to eat better. Trying to get more nutrients, like this pot of vegetable chowder from Lulu the Baker I made this morning (please ignore the massive amounts of cheese its has). I do feel better when I get my vitamins and anti-oxidants.
But no matter what I eat, it doesn't matter if I get a bit chubby. The transplant doctors want me to be heavier than normal for the transplant. So far, I've put on 15 lbs since last Christmas. So in the words of the beloved chef, Julia Child, "Bon appetit!"
I have the same cup at school! :) HUGS